Why do you think the perps are doing this to you?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Comments On Another Website Describing What Sounds Like Gangstalking Activity

To me, the quoted paragraphs below at least in part describe what gangstalkers do to us. I took out a few key words identifying the organization so people can make an unbiased judgment on it.

"I don't know, I can't help it, but I keep seeing ___________ agents distributing leaflets in the neighbourhoods of critics, hate literature, specifically designed to generate hatred of those critics, from a mass of people. Get a mass of people to hate a person, and that would be enough to shut them up, eh?. That is the objective and intention of BLACK propaganda, get the person isolated, despised, villified, and that'll finish them. Set them up, or manipluate the events, but above all costs, get them HATED, get them to trigger the "reactive" smell of *danger* in people, get people to hate and fear them *passionately*. That ought to do it, eh?"

"_______, in the Science of ________, recommended that people "below _______________ be disposed of quietly, and without sorrow." People below ___ = demonized other = ___. When we give ourselves the right to decide who lives, and who dies, based on our own biased perception of whether they're good or bad, THEN we have a barbarism. Then we have Nazism. And if we are to understand _________ words in that paragraph, we have ___________."

The organization that the above two paragraphs are describing is well known, and although I have been belittled in the past for pointing to them before, it does not take too much searching on the web to find quite a deal that connects them to gangstalking behavior and practices.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Salinas, California, Police Officer Acknowledges Existence of Gangstalking

This is truly amazing! Below is a video of a Salinas, California, police officer actually acknowledging for a Fox news affiliate that gangstalking does indeed exist and that this has been a problem for quite a while now. I would have never entertained the thought that something like this would happen.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Suicide of Gangstalking Victims

It has been a good long time since I posted anything substantive.

I have been reading lots and lots of books, and watching lots of DVDs, and searching the web for anything related to recovery from loss by suicide.

The prognosis is not that good.

Apparently, once you lose someone you care about to suicide, it stays with you a long, long time. In fact, it stays with you forever. The only thing you can hope for is that your capacity for pain increases so that you can better deal with the rest of life's problems, like gangstalking.

Rena herself was a "suicide survivor" (that's what they call those who lose someone to suicide). I am now a "suicide survivor" of Rena.

As a gangstalking victim, I knew my own pain. Rena, at the time I knew her, was both a gangstalking victim and a suicide survivor in that one of her sisters had completed suicide about two years before her own death. I now carry that burden of being both a gangstalking victim and a suicide survivor.

According to the many books I have read on suicide, two big reasons why people do it is because they are trying to get away from unrelenting pain or they feel that they have a problem that is permanent, a problem that has no solution. This is exactly what they are engineering in our lives. They want us to feel endless psychological and emotional pain as a result of gangstalking, and they also want to show us that we have a permanent problem, a problem that has no solution.

Rena said many times that she could not take the pain that they were inflicting on her. She felt that she had a permanent problem, a problem that has no solution, so she was induced by them to kill herself. She may have been the one to have performed the mechanical acts resulting in her death, but they the gangstalkers were the ones responsible for it.

Yes, their goal is for us to kill ourselves. This is a much cleaner holocaust for the evil powers that be. They very subtly condition us for various triggers, then proceed to trigger us as we go around town, all the while knowing the cumulative pain that this brings into the victim's life, and also knowing that at some point a break is going to occur. At that point, many will kill themselves. Those who knew the victim but did not believe their story of being stalked will simply chalk it up as suicide as a result of mental illness. Those who knew the person involved was indeed a victim of gangstalking will now also know them as martyrs or fallen soldiers in a war that few people are aware of and that most probably still think us to be mad.

We, the targets/victims, are the new undesirables in society. The Nazis of World War II had their Jews, Gypsies, and uncooperative humanitarians and true Christians, among others who were their undesirables.

I have often asked myself why would they want me to kill myself?

I cause no one any harm.
I used to be a very lighthearted and even funny guy. At times, I could bring the whole office down in laughter....not now though...not anymore.
One of the hallmarks of my personality was (and still is) my objectivity. I like to see things as they are, even if they are unflattering things and it hurts to acknowledge or think upon them.
I used to often say "hi" to the stranger on the street.
I used to often hold a door open for strangers, lingering at the door for a few seconds if I see someone who is about to go through it themselves....very rare that I do that now.
I used to radiate a sense of goodwill towards my fellow man or woman...now I find myself feeling suspicious that just about everyone is a potential perp, further inhibiting the expression of my personality.

So the question still remains, why me? Why Rena? Why are the both of us undesirables?

Well the Nazis wanted to clean the genetic house so to speak. In addition to those mentioned above, they also eliminated the infirm, mentally ill, and those who had something wrong with them functionally, i.e., birth defects, blindness, deafness, etc.

Well, Rena was legally blind, and I was born with a birth defect for which I have had three plastic surgeries, one as a baby, the second at 9 years of age, and the third and last at 19 years of age. Is this why we were targeted for this?

"Hey, let's add these two to the list." "Why....oh..I see. She is blind, and this guy, well he looks okay now, but he had these surgeries to correct his birth defect. We have to get rid of him, can't take the chance that he'll spread his genetic errors in the gene pool."

So reader I ask you if you too are a victim of gangstalking? If so, then what defects do you have that these Neo-Nazis want to crush and eliminate from society? Maybe you have no defects. Perhaps you are just someone who can see the truth. You know that there is often a schism between what most people will perceive to be the truth and what the truth actually is, especially with the media being what it is today.

As a Christian, I consider this to be persecution. As such, I do expect to be rewarded in heaven by my Lord and Savior, Jesus, for enduring it. I also expect to see Rena there, as she paid the ultimate price for her faith, a faith that was still so young. You see, I led her to accept Jesus as her savior about a week or so before she was induced to take her life.

Knowing that she is in peace and experiencing joy in heaven with Jesus gives me comfort as I go throughout my day to deal with these willing slaves/zombies doing the bidding of their father, the devil.

Come Lord Jesus. I for one eagerly await your return.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Long Time Since Last Post

It has been a long time since I have posted, so I thought I would try a bit of an update.

I have moved once since my last post, and, of course, I am still perped at my present location.

My main perps live directly opposite the gate entrance to my apartment, while the other lives within my apartment complex as what I believe to be the assistant maintenance man.

Quite often when I come home from work, one or both of the main perps will sit or stand in front of their apartment and glare at me in a somewhat hostile manner. This wouldn't bother me so much except for the fact that they are both so very, very ugly, with one of them looking like Fester from the Adam's Family, bald head and all.

There is no reason for them to do this, nothing unusual about me or the vehicle I drive. However, as my fellow TIs know, once you have been exposed to this for a while, you know to separate most of the normal things in life from those which are perpetrated.

This has been an extremely short post, but since the suicide of my friend, I have not been able to do much posting here or anywhere else, will try again at another time.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Rena I Knew

The Rena I Knew

I do not normally bond with people very easily; however, when I first met Rena at the San Jose TI support group I felt a bond with her nearly instantaneously.  I cared very much for her even though we had just met.  Altogether, I only knew her for about 7 weeks, but how long does it take for one to develop deep feelings of caring, compassion, concern, and affection for another person?

The Rena I knew was of a person possessing a very healing presence.  She spoke and interacted with genuine compassion and feeling.  As a TI for roughly 4 years now, I have developed a great hunger for the milk of human kindness, to once again simply experience the luxury of interacting with a fellow human being on a soulful level without fear of being deceived, humiliated, or otherwise made to feel upset.  Rena provided that kindness for me, and I did all I could to give it back to her.

During the TI support group meetings, Rena would often become tearful as a result of the pain and cruelty inflicted upon her by the DEW and OS.  In spite of this, she never had any harsh words for those responsible for it.  She only expressed a desire to communicate with them and to understand why they were doing it.

Rena was the type of soul that this world desperately needed.  She had a heart full of love, goodness, and an unflinching desire to help others.  As a manifestation of her character, she earned a Master's Degree in Social Work at the University of Minnesota.  As part of her training, she had worked crisis phone lines herself, dealing with suicidal individuals and counseling them away from suicide and towards life.  In the end, neither her own knowledge and training in dealing with these situations or my apparently weak attempts to support her made any difference in her situation.  Her pain, she must have believed, was simply too great for her to go on.

When I heard the news of her suicide, I had what I would call a breakdown of sorts, cried for hours, lamented my loss, and called in sick to work the whole next week.  Since returning to work, I have gone home early three times as a direct result of my grief and pain.  On those days that I have been able to complete my work shift, I have cried at some point during that shift, usually towards the end when I have become tired and my defenses have been worn down by my night-long battle against the hurt and devastation of having lost someone extremely important to me.

The only thing that gives me comfort and keeps me sane is the belief that she is now being tended to and cared for by our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fellow TI Committed Suicide

I am feeling sick with grief today.

Someone I knew, who also happened to be a TI, committed suicide on the morning of Sunday, September 28, 2008.

We had known each other for a couple of months now.  I met her at a meeting of fellow TIs in San Jose, California.  I liked her from the moment I first met her.  She had a very sweet and vulnerable personality.  This type of lady has always disarmed me.

She had her own blog dealing with her troubles dealing with gangstalking as follows:  http://tinyurl.com/4knhho

I really can't say anything more right now, heart sick and grief-stricken.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Exposing The Gangstalkers To Non-TIs

Yes, this is the trick, finding a way to expose them in such a way that we can show the non-TIs what it is that they do, how they first make themselves known to us, that initial process of sensitization that gets the whole gangstalking ball rolling.

I remember when it first started for me, the odd and exaggerated behaviors that they exhibited.  They acted in such a manner that a normal person would be compelled to notice.

Exposing these bastards is possible, but I believe that the possibility of doing so exists primarily (but not exclusively) in a small timeframe.

That timeframe occurs at the very beginning stages of gangstalking, the first few weeks to months when these odd behaviors known to TIs as "street theater" are the most obvious.  It is at this time that they the gangstalkers will be carrying on and acting out very visibly, even to non-TIs.

The problem is that most people who are new to this sinister world are not likely to know enough to attempt to record what it is that the perps of gangstalking are doing to them.

My guess is that there are very few (if any) TIs out there who also happen to be professional photographers.  The reason is obvious.  This would be the type of individual who would almost always be carrying a camera of some sort around with them, always being on the ready to catch that great photograph.  It would not take long for someone like that to catch a perp off guard and start filming video of their actions.

Having said the above, however, I have seen very few good videos on YouTube or anywhere else that show what it is to be a TI and what it is that the perps do to us.  Most of what I see are videos of those things that trigger that particular TI and are meaningless to a non-TI.  Quite often, these videos are meaningless to myself as well, as the things that are shown are not triggers for myself at all.

It is easy to see why those who are unaffected by this would read the blogs and view the videos and conclude that we are all a bunch of paranoid nutjobs.  There are only a small handful of videos out there that actually show anything that would be meaningful to a non-TI.

So what do we as veteran TIs do to deal with this problem?  My stalkers are very careful to not overdo the street theater when there are lots of other people around.  They perform their triggering skits very subtly such that I will notice and be triggered by their actions while those around me will not have a clue that harassment has indeed taken place.

Here is a possible solution:  We as TIs could potentially come together to perform reenactments of these street theater skits.  One TI could play the role of the TI, while the others could act as the perps, performing the initial phases of street theater that got us sensitized to these behaviors and objects in the first place.

I know, I know, you are probably saying something like, "TIs come together?  I have never even met another TI, and those whom I have been in contact with are in all parts of the country."  I agree that this would be a difficult undertaking for just that reason, but I throw it out there in the hopes that there are enough TIs within a geographical area who also know each other and would be willing to undertake such a thing.

Just remember, you are doing this for the non-TIs to illustrate to them what it is that is being done to us, so although I hate to be the harsh taskmaster, I submit to you that if there is such a group of TIs out who believe that they can take me up on this idea, then please, please, please do as good and tasteful job as you possibly can.  Although our numbers are growing, our credibility is still low, so a good competent job is needed.

A second suggestion would be for a computer savvy person out there to get some quality animation software and produce an animation of what I have described above.  This would also preserve one's anonymity, something that I believe most TIs would not want to lose, as who wants people one works with to think that we have lost our minds.  Unfortunately, I do believe that is still the overall impression that many non-TIs have of us, and it is going to take a lot of quality and competent work to dig ourselves out of that hole.